8Bacus, a business specializing in telemanagement and call center consulting services, received national certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise.
8Bacus, a business specializing in telemanagement and call center consulting services, received national certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise by the Women’s Business Development Center/Chicago, a regional certifying partner of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).
WBENC’s national standard of certification implemented by the Women’s Business Development Center/Chicago is a meticulous process including an in-depth review of the business and site inspection. The certification process is designed to confirm the business is at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by a woman or women.
By including women-owned businesses among their vendors, corporations and government agencies demonstrate their commitment to fostering diversity and the continued development of their supplier/vendor diversity programs.
Company president, Angela Morris, commented: “Since forming the company in 2007, the company has been 100% woman-owned. We became aware of the opportunity to become certified and it made sense to participate in the process because we already met each of the requirements.” Ms. Morris went on to say, “We’ve already received positive feedback from numerous clients that 8Bacus’s new certification will help meet their supplier diversity goals.”
About 8Bacus: 8Bacus was founded in 2007 by Angela Morris. The company specializes in telemanagement, consulting and quality monitoring for the call center industry. 8Bacus currently serves healthcare, radio promotions, business to business, consumer goods, insurance, and manufacturing sectors. In addition, the company maintains an active membership and involvement in the American Teleservices Association, Direct Marketing Association and the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals. To learn more about 8Bacus, please visit www.ebccllc.com.
About WBENC: The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council is the nation’s largest third party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the United States. WBENC is a resource for the more than 700 US companies and government agencies that rely on WBENC’s certification as an integral part of their supplier diversity programs. For more information about WBENC, please visit www.wbenc.org.